Minghua Chen – Design and Analysis of Networked, Computing, and Energy (DANCE) Systems Lab

I am fortunate to have the chance to work with a group of talented graduate students and postdocs:

  • Qiulin Lin (Research Associate, 21- presnet; undergrad from USTC; PhD from CUHK)

  • Jianing Zhai (PhD, 17-present; undergrad from Tsinghua Univ; working on online algorithms)

  • Min Zhou (PhD, 20 - present; BS and MS from Nanjing University; City University of Hong Kong Presidential PhD Scholarship Awardee)

  • Bocheng Liu (PhD, 20 - present; BS from Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University)

  • Junyan Su (PhD, 20 - present; BS from Shanghai Tech; also received a PhD offer from Washington University at St. Louis)

  • Hongbin Huang (PhD, 20 - present; BS from Sun Yat-sen Univ.; MS from HKUST; co-supervised with Prof. Duan Li)

  • Yaoming Deng (PhD, 21 - present, BS from South China University of Science and Technology; joint CityU-SUST PhD program, co-supervised with Prof. Zaiyue Yang at SUST)

  • Enming Liang (PhD, 21 - present, BS from Sun Yat-sen Univ.; rank #1 in the class)

  • Jiawei Zhao (PhD, 22 - present, BS from ZJU, MS from HKUST)

  • Chenghao Liu (PhD, 22 - present, BS from ZJU)

  • Liyuan Wang (PhD, 23 - present, BS from SouthEast University)


  • Yuqiu Zhang (selected undergrad who did research in the group, 2018-2019; next hop: PhD student in Universit of Toronto with a 5-year fellowship, which is a rare and ultimate support)

  • Titing Cui (selected MS from KTH who did research in the group, 2018-2019; next hop: PhD student in OR, University of Pittsburgh with a 5-year fellowship, which is a rare and ultimate support)

  • Litian Liu (selected undergrad who did research in the group, 2014-2016; next hop: PhD student in EE, Princeton)

    • Charles Kao Top Performance Awards 2016 (best performance in IERGN, MAIE, and MIEGN, one awardee in each major)

  • Peida Tian (selected undergrad who did research in the group, 2014-2015; next hop: PhD student in EE, Caltech)

  • Yu Chen (selected undergrad who did research in the group, 2014-2016; next hop: MS student in CS, University of California at San Diego)

    • Thesis: Fast and Low-Power Wideband Spectrum Sensing with Block Occupancy Pattern

    • CUHK Department of Information Engineering Final Year Project Award 2016

  • Shichao Yue (selected undergrad who was a summer research intern in the group, 2015; next hop: PhD student in EECS, MIT)

  • Ka-Kit Lam (selected undergrad who did research in the group, 2010-2012; next hop: PhD student in EECS, University of California at Berkeley)

  • Xuhang Ying (selected undergrad who did research in the group, 2012-2013; next hop: PhD student in EE, University of Washington)

  • Yanfang Mo (Research Associate, 2020-2022; undergrad from ZJU; PhD from HKUST; next hop: PostDoc in City University of Hong Kong)

  • Wanjun Huang (Postdoc Fellow, 2020-2021; next hop: Assistant Professor in Beihang University)

  • Xiang Pan (PhD, 18-2022; next hop: Tencent Inc.)

    • Thesis: Deep Neural Networks for Optimal Power Flow in Electric Power Systems: Design, Analysis, and Experiments

    • ACM SIGEnergy Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2024 (sole winner)

  • Tianyu Zhao (PhD, 2017-2021; next hop: Postdoc Fellow in City University of Hong Kong and then Researcher in Lenovo Research Lab (HK))

    • Thesis: Day-ahead Electricity Market Equilibrium and Preventive Learning for Ensuring DNN Solution Feasibility [ to be available ]

  • Qiulin Lin (PhD, 2016-2020; next hop: Postdoc Fellow in City University of Hong Kong)

    • Thesis: Competitive Online Optimization under Inventory Constraints [ to be available ]

  • Wenjie Xu (MPhil, 2018-2020; next hop: PhD student in EPFL)

    • Thesis: Ride the Tide of Traffic Conditions: Opportunistic Driving Improves Energy Efficiency of Timely Truck Transportation [ to be available ]

  • Ali Menati (Mphil, 2016-2019; next hop: RA in City University of Hong Kong)

    • Thesis: Online Energy Generation Scheduling for Microgrids with Prediction [ to be available ]

  • Qi Chen (PostDoc Fellow, 16-18; first job: Associate Professor in Xidian University)

  • Qingyu Liu (PhD in ECE, Virginia Tech, 2014-2019; co-supervised; first job: postdoc in Virginia Tech)

    • Thesis: Delay-Aware Multi-Path Routing in a Multi-Hop Network: Algorithms and Applications [PDF]

  • Hanling Yi (PhD, 2014-2018; first job: Researcher at Huawei Research Lab, Hong Kong)

    • Thesis: Online Cournot Competition with Inventory Constraints [ to be available ]

  • Lei Deng (PhD, 2013-2017; first job: PostDoc Fellow in CUHK)

    • Thesis: Delivering Perishable Information and Cargos: Delay-Constrained Communication and Transportation [PDF]

  • Ying Zhang (PhD, 2013-2017; first job: joining an investment bank in Shanghai)

    • Thesis: Joint Geographic Load Balancing and Electricity Procurement for Datacenters in Deregulated Electricity Markets [PDF]

  • Mohammad Hassan Hajiesmaili (PostDoc Fellow, 2014-2016; next hop: postdoc in Johns Hopkins University)

  • Peijian Wang (postdoc, 2015-2016; first job: Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science, Xi’An Jiaotong University)

  • Benedit Max (MPhil, 2014-2017)

  • Lin Yang (Graduate student, 2015-2016)

  • Lichao Yan (Research Associate, 2014-2015)

  • Hanxu Hou (PhD, CUHK-PKU joint program, 2012-2015)

    • Thesis: Low-complexity Codes for Distributed Storage Systems [PDF]

  • Shaoquan Zhang (PhD, 2008-2014 with one-year visit to other institutes; first job: Researcher in Huawei Research Lab in Hong Kong)

    • Thesis: Proactive Serving Decreases User Delay Exponentially [PDF]

  • Jincheng Zhang (Mphil, 2012-2014; first job: RA in CUHK working on the indoor white space networking project)

    • Thesis: Indoor White Space Network Design [PDF]

  • Wenjie Zhang (postdoc, 2013-2014; first job: Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science, Minnan Normal University)

  • Guanglin Zhang (postdoc, 2013-2014; first job: Associate Professor in Donghua University, Shanghai)

  • Yang Yang (RA, 2013-2014)

  • Jinlong Tu (Mphil and then RA, 2011-2014; first job: Software Engineer in Tencent)

    • Thesis: Dynamic Provisioning in Next-Generation Data Centers with On-site Power Production [PDF]

  • Lian Lu (Mphil, 2011-2013; next hop: a PhD student in ASU working on energy systems)

    • Thesis: Online Energy Generation Scheduling for Microgrids with Intermittent Energy Sources and Co-generation [PDF]

    • CUHK Faculty of Engineering 2013 Outstanding MPhil Thesis Award

  • Sheng Cai (Mphil-PhD student, co-advised with Sidharth Jaggie, 10-12)

  • Robert Shao (postdoc, 2010-2012; first job: Assistant Professor, Shanghai University of Science and Technology)

  • Yao Guo (Research assistant, 2012; first job: PG & E China)

  • Xiangwen Chen (Mphil 2012; first job: doing a start-up)

    • Thesis: Towards Low-Delay Multi-party Video Conferencing. [PDF]

  • Tan Lu (Mphil 2012; first job: doing a start-up)

    • Thesis: Energy Efficient Dynamic Provsioning in Power-Proportional Data Centers [PDF]

    • CUHK Faculty of Engineering 2012 Outstanding MPhil Thesis Award Honorary Mention

  • Zhe Zhu (Mphil 2012, co-advised with Hong Cheng; first job: doing a start-up)

    • Thesis: Prediction and Influence Maximization in Location-based Social Networks [PDF]

  • Jihang Ye (Mphil 2012, co-advised with Hong Cheng; first job: doing a start-up)

    • Thesis: Predicting Positive and Negative Links in Signed Social Networks via Transfer Learning [PDF]

  • Robert Shao (PhD 2010, co-advised with Bob Li; currently a Postdoc Fellow in CUHK)

    • Thesis: Distributed Stochastic Algorithms for Communication Networks [PDF]

  • Wei Chen (MPhil 2010; first job: software engineer in Baidu Inc.)

    • Thesis: TCP over Adaptive CSMA [PDF]

  • Liang Chen (MPhil 2009; next hop: a PhD student in CUHK)

    • Thesis: TFRC Modeling and Its Applications [PDF]

  • Yue Wang (Postdoc Fellow of CUHK 2009; first job: Lecturer in Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing)

  • Yao Wang (MSc student, 09-10; first job: China UnionPay.)

  • Lichao Yan (MSc student, 09-10; was an RA in CUHK; currently doing a start-up)

  • Yang Zhou (MSc student and a short term RA, 09-10)

Visiting schorlars and students

  • Jun Sun (March - June 2018, a visiting student from Zhejiang University)

  • Qingyu Liu (Aug 2017 - Dec 2017, a visiting student from Virginia Tech)

  • Boya Di (June 2014 - Aug. 2014, a visiting student from EECS, Peking University)

  • Chi-Kin Chau (a frequent visitor, a Croucher Foundation Fellow from University of Cambridge)

  • Hao Zhang (Dec 2010 - Jan 2011, a visiting student from EECS department, UC Berkeley)

  • Taoyu Li (Oct 2008 - Nov 2009, a visiting student from Tsinghua University, CERNET Research Center)

  • Shao Liu (Sept 2008, a postdoc researcher from Princeton University)